Unlock the Organic Goddess in You

Our goal at Cher de Leon Organics is to inform as many people as possible to the benefits of using natural organic skin care.

Cher de Leon is 100% organic.

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When Ponce de Leon set out to find the “Fountain of Youth” but instead found Florida in the year 1513 exactly 500 years from the date Cher de Leon was created. And we have actually found the ” Fountain of Youth” not Florida .

  • As mentioned, our goal at Cher de Leon Organics is to inform as many people as possible to the benefits of using natural organic skin care.
  • Our packaging is made and purchased in the United States and from local vendors.
  • Our ingredients are very important to us and our conscious consumers.
  • Cher de Leon is made with ingredients admired by ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, Australia and India.